Corporate jargon - 345 Business Buzzwords and Phrases


Here are 345 words and phrases which have become part of corporate lingo:

1. 360-degree feedback. Gathering input from all around an individual (e.g., peers, subordinates, superiors) for performance evaluation.
2. Above board. Open, honest, and legal; transparent in actions or dealings.
3. Above my paygrade. Outside the scope of your responsibility and/or needs to be addressed by someone higher up.
4. Ace in the hole. A hidden advantage or secret resource.
5. Across the board. Applying universally or to all aspects.
6. Action item. A task that needs to be completed.
7. Aim for the stars. Setting ambitious or high-reaching goals.
8. Align expectations. To ensure that everyone has the same understanding of goals or outcomes.
9. All hands on deck. Everyone available is needed to help or contribute.
10. Back burner. A task or responsibility that you will revisit at a later date.
11. Back of the envelope. Rough or informal calculations or estimates.
12. Back to basics. Returning to fundamental principles or essential elements.
13. Back to square one. Starting over from the beginning.
14. Back to the drawing board. Starting over due to a failed or unsatisfactory outcome.
15. Ballpark figure. An approximate or rough estimate.
16. Bandwidth. Related to workload and the ability and/or time to address a situation.
17. Bang for the buck. Value or return on investment.
18. Barking up the wrong tree. Pursuing a mistaken or misguided course of action.
19. Bellwether. A leading indicator or trendsetter in a particular industry.
20. Benchmark. A standard or reference point used for comparison or measurement.
21. Bend over backward. To make an exceptional effort or go out of one's way to help.
22. Best practices. Proven methods or techniques recognized as most effective.
23. Big picture. The overall perspective or larger context of a situation.
24. Bigwig. An important or influential person.
25. Bird's eye view. A comprehensive or overall perspective.
26. Bite the bullet. To face a difficult situation or endure something unpleasant.
27. Bleeding edge. Innovations or technology at the forefront.
28. Blue-collar worker. A laborer or employee engaged in manual work.
29. Blue-sky session. A meeting for brainstorming or generating creative ideas.
30. Blue-sky thinking. Creative or visionary brainstorming without limitations.
31. Boil it down. To simplify or distill complex information into essential points.
32. Boil the ocean. Attempting to tackle an impossible task.
33. Boots on the ground. Having people physically present or directly involved in a situation.
34. Bootstrapping. Building or developing something with minimal resources or funding.
35. Bottom line. The ultimate or most important result or outcome.
36. Brain dump. Taking all of the thoughts in your head and putting them on paper.
37. Brass tacks. The most important or essential details.
38. Break down silos. Removing barriers between teams and/or departments to improve efficiency.
39. Break the ice. To initiate or start a conversation or interaction.
40. Break the silos. Encouraging collaboration between different departments or teams.
41. Breakthrough. A significant achievement or advancement.
42. Bring it to the table. Used in HR circles to describe what skills and experience a job candidate can provide to a company.
43. Burn the midnight oil. Work late into the night.
44. Buy-in. Persuading employees and other stakeholders to willingly accept and support something, such as a new business plan or policy.
45. Call it a day. To finish work or activities for the day.
46. Call the shots. To make important decisions or be in control.
47. Call to action. A request or directive for immediate action.
48. Cascade information. To distribute or disseminate information down through various levels.
49. Cash cow. A reliable source of consistent income or profit.
50. Cash in on. To benefit or profit from a situation or opportunity.
51. Catch-22. A situation with contradictory or conflicting conditions.
52. Chain of command. The hierarchical structure of authority within an organization.
53. Champion a cause. To actively support or advocate for a particular issue or initiative.
54. Churn. Also known as churn rate, the number of employees or customers who leave a business in a given time frame.
55. Circle back. To revisit a topic or discussion later.
56. Circling back. Revisiting a topic or issue that was previously discussed.
57. Clock in. To record one's arrival at work.
58. Clock watcher. An employee who continually looks at the time waiting for the workday to be over.
59. Close of play. By the end of the day or deadline.
60. Close the loop. To complete a task or communication cycle.
61. Core competencies. An organization's or person's strengths, including skills, knowledge and capabilities.
62. Core competency. Key strengths or skills essential to a business or individual.
63. Corporate culture. Shared values, beliefs, and practices within a company.
64. Cross the Rubicon. To take a decisive and irreversible step.
65. C-suite. Refers to the highest-ranking executives in a company (CEO, CFO, CTO, etc.).
66. Cut the mustard. To meet the required standard or expectation.
67. Cut to the chase. Get to the main point or important matter.
68. Cutthroat. Highly competitive or aggressive in business dealings.
69. Cutting corners. Taking shortcuts or bypassing proper procedures to save time or money.
70. Cutting-edge. Innovative or leading-edge technology or ideas.
71. Deep dive. A thorough analysis of something.
72. Deep pockets. Having substantial financial resources or funding.
73. Deliverable. An item that must be produced at the end of a project.
74. Disruptive innovation. A groundbreaking change that significantly alters an industry or market.
75. Dog and pony show. A flashy or elaborate presentation to impress or entertain.
76. Double down. To increase commitment or effort in a particular direction.
77. Double-edged sword. Something that has both positive and negative effects.
78. Down the line. In sequence; referring to future consequences or steps.
79. Down the rabbit hole. Delving deeply into a complex or confusing situation.
80. Downsize. To reduce the size or number of employees or operations.
81. Dress for success. To dress professionally or appropriately for a particular occasion or environment.
82. Drill down. Analyzing something more in depth.
83. Drink the Kool-Aid. Blindly believe in and follow questionable principles or ideas.
84. Drive the bus. To be in charge or take control of a situation.
85. Drum up business. Generate interest or attract customers or clients.
86. Ducks in a row. Organizing everything, getting it under control.
87. Dumpster fire. A catastrophically bad situation.
88. Elephant in the room. A noticeable issue or problem that is being avoided or ignored.
89. Elevator pitch. A concise and compelling explanation of a product, idea, or oneself.
90. Eleventh hour. The last possible moment or just before the deadline.
91. Endgame. The final stage or objective of a process or strategy.
92. Eyes on the prize. To remain focused on the main goal or objective.
93. Eyes wide open. Fully aware or knowledgeable about a situation or risk.
94. Face time. Physical presence or interaction, especially in meetings or discussions.
95. Fast lane. The quickest or most efficient route or method.
96. Fast track. An expedited or accelerated process or pathway.
97. Finger in the pie. To have influence or involvement in something.
98. Finger in the wind. Assessing a situation based on current trends or public opinion.
99. Fire drill. An unexpected event or task that needs to be done quickly.
100. Fish or cut bait. To make a decision or take action instead of delaying.
101. Flesh out. Providing more information about something.
102. Float an idea. To propose or introduce an idea for consideration.
103. Fly under the radar. To remain unnoticed or inconspicuous.
104. Front and center. Prominent or in a primary position.
105. Full stack. Having expertise across multiple areas or disciplines.
106. Full-court press. Maximum effort or attention directed toward a goal or project.
107. Game changer. A newly introduced element that significantly affects an existing situation.
108. Game plan. A strategy or plan of action.
109. Game-changer. Something that significantly alters the current situation or industry.
110. Get the ball rolling. To start or initiate something.
111. Get the show on the road. To start or initiate an activity or project.
112. Go the extra mile. Putting in additional effort or work beyond what is expected.
113. Go to market. Often referring to a go-to-market strategy , this spells out how a company delivers products and services to customers.
114. Golden handcuffs. Financial incentives or benefits to retain employees.
115. Golden handshake. A generous severance package offered to an employee upon departure.
116. Golden opportunity. A particularly advantageous or favorable chance.
117. Golden rule. A fundamental principle or guideline.
118. Grassroots. Starting at the most basic level; involving ordinary people at the local level.
119. Gray area. A situation lacking clear rules or definitions, leading to ambiguity.
120. Green light. Approval or permission to proceed with something.
121. Groundbreaking. Innovative or pioneering; introducing new ideas or methods.
122. Hard stop. A specific end time for something because you have something scheduled immediately behind it.
123. Head honcho. A person in a position of high authority or leadership.
124. Heads up. A warning or alert to be prepared for something.
125. Helicopter view. A broad overview or perspective of a situation.
126. Herding cats. A negative phrase used by managers to describe a team that is difficult to deal with.
127. Hit the ground running. To start something quickly and with enthusiasm.
128. Hit the nail on the head. To precisely identify or address an issue.
129. Hold someone's feet to the fire. To pressure or hold someone accountable for their actions or promises.
130. Holistic approach. Considering all interconnected elements or aspects of a situation.
131. Hone in on. To focus or direct attention toward a specific target or goal.
132. Hot desking. Sharing desks in an office that aren't assigned to anyone.
133. Hurdle. An obstacle or challenge that needs to be overcome.
134. Hustle and bustle. Busy or energetic activity.
135. In the driver's seat. Having control or being in charge of a situation.
136. In the loop. Included or informed about something.
137. In the pipeline. Projects or initiatives that are currently being developed or planned.
138. In the red. Operating at a financial loss; having negative financial balance.
139. In the weeds. Overwhelmed by work.
140. Incentivize. To provide incentives or motivations for desired behavior.
141. Iron out. To resolve or eliminate difficulties or problems.
142. Ivory tower. A metaphor for being disconnected from the practical aspects of a situation or organization.
143. Jockey for position. To compete or maneuver to gain an advantage.
144. Joint venture. Collaboration between two or more entities for a specific project or goal.
145. Juggle priorities. To manage or balance multiple tasks or responsibilities.
146. Jump on the bandwagon. To join or support something that has gained popularity.
147. Jump ship. To leave a job or company, often for a better opportunity.
148. Jump through hoops. To go through a lot of difficult or unnecessary steps to achieve something.
149. Keep it on the radar. To monitor or remain aware of a situation or issue.
150. Keep the lights on. Maintaining essential operations or functions.
151. Keep the wheels turning. To maintain the continuous flow or operation of something.
152. Keep the wolves at bay. To prevent or fend off a threat or danger.
153. Keep your eye on the ball. To stay focused on the main objective or goal.
154. Kick the can down the road. Postponing a decision or action for later.
155. Kick the tires. To inspect or evaluate something before making a decision.
156. Kickback. A payment made in return for a favor or service.
157. Kickstart. To initiate or begin something energetically.
158. Kill two birds with one stone. To accomplish two tasks with a single action.
159. Knock it out of the park. To achieve outstanding success or performance.
160. KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). Metrics used to evaluate success or progress.
161. Lay the groundwork. To establish a foundation or prepare for something.
162. Leapfrog. To surpass or move ahead of someone or something quickly.
163. Let the cat out of the bag. Accidentally reveal a secret or confidential information.
164. Let's circle back on that. To suggest talking about something again later.
165. Let's take this offline. To suggest discussing something in private.
166. Leverage. To use something to maximum advantage.
167. Leverage point. A strategic advantage or opportunity for influence.
168. Light at the end of the tunnel. Hope or a positive outlook after a challenging situation.
169. Loose cannon. Someone who is unpredictable or behaves recklessly.
170. Lowball. To underestimate or offer an unreasonably low figure.
171. Lowball offer. An unreasonably or intentionally low offer or bid.
172. Low-hanging fruit. Low-effort tasks with high-yield results.
173. Make a splash. To attract attention or create a significant impact.
174. Make hay. Taking advantage of an opportunity.
175. Make hay while the sun shines. To take advantage of an opportunity while it's available.
176. Make waves. To cause disruption or controversy.
177. Micromanager. A boss who excessively observes and controls team members.
178. Milestone. A significant event or achievement in a project or endeavor.
179. Mind the gap. Addressing discrepancies or differences between two things.
180. Mind your Ps and Qs. To be careful about one's behavior or manners.
181. Mindset shift. A change in attitude, perspective, or approach.
182. Mindshare. Awareness or popularity within a target audience or market.
183. Monkey business. Deceptive or dishonest behavior.
184. Monkey see, monkey do. Imitating or copying actions without understanding them.
185. Moot point. A debatable or irrelevant issue.
186. Move the goal posts. Changing the rules to gain an advantage for yourself and make it more difficult for others.
187. Move the goalposts. Changing criteria or expectations after the fact.
188. Move the needle. Making a noticeable change.
189. Nail down. To finalize or secure details or agreements.
190. Nail it down. To finalize or secure something decisively.
191. Nail-biter. A situation causing extreme tension or anxiety.
192. Net-net. The bottom line or final result after considering all factors.
193. No strings attached. Without any additional conditions or obligations.
194. No-brainer. An obvious or simple decision.
195. Nudge-nudge, wink-wink. A subtle or indirect way of suggesting something.
196. Nuts and bolts. The fundamental or practical aspects of a subject or project.
197. Off the beaten path. Away from the usual or conventional route or approach.
198. Off the cuff. Impromptu or without preparation.
199. Off the grid. Disconnected or isolated from communication or technology.
200. Off the radar. Not within someone's awareness or attention.
201. Office drone. A white-collar worker who does the same mundane tasks from day to day.
202. On the back burner. Postponed or given low priority for the time being.
203. On the front lines. Being directly involved in a challenging situation.
204. On the same page. Agreement or understanding among team members.
205. One-on-one. A regularly scheduled meeting or check-in between two people -- usually, a manager and employee.
206. Open sesame. A phrase suggesting easy access or entry.
207. Open the kimono. To reveal information or be transparent.
208. Open-door policy. Encouragement for employees to approach management with concerns or ideas.
209. Optimize. To make the best or most effective use of resources.
210. Out of left field. Unexpected or unconventional; from an unexpected direction.
211. Out of pocket. Unavailable or not present.
212. Out of the box. Creative or unconventional thinking.
213. Pain point. Problem business customers and employees face.
214. Pain points. Problems or challenges experienced by customers or within a process.
215. Paradigm shift. A fundamental change in approach or underlying assumptions.
216. Pay lip service. To express agreement or support without taking meaningful action.
217. Pecking order. A hierarchy or ranking of importance within a group.
218. Peel the onion. To examine something in layers or stages.
219. Pencil it in. Tentatively schedule or plan something.
220. Per my last email. A polite way of telling someone you've already addressed their question in a previous email.
221. Pick someone's brain. To seek advice or information from someone knowledgeable.
222. Piecemeal. Done or dealt with in separate pieces or stages, lacking completeness.
223. Piggyback. To use or benefit from something already in progress.
224. Pilot program. A small-scale test or trial before full implementation.
225. Ping. Sound heard when a message or text is received on a computer or phone.
226. Pivot. In the business world, changing direction when something is not working.
227. Play hardball. To act aggressively or uncompromisingly in negotiations or dealings.
228. Pop the hood. To examine or inspect something closely, especially a process or system.
229. Power nap. A short nap to quickly recharge energy.
230. Preferential treatment. Favoring certain individuals or groups over others.
231. Punch above one's weight. To perform better or achieve more than expected given one's resources or size.
232. Punt. Delay or postpone, such as moving a meeting to another day.
233. Push the envelope. To exceed established boundaries or norms.
234. Pushing the envelope. To test the limits or boundaries of what is possible.
235. Put a pin in it. Putting something on hold, intending to come back to it later.
236. Put a stake in the ground. To establish a firm position or decision.
237. Put all your eggs in one basket. To risk everything on a single venture or option.
238. Put it on the back burner. To postpone or delay something.
239. Put lipstick on a pig. To try to improve something superficially without addressing fundamental flaws.
240. Put out a fire. Addressing an expected problem.
241. Put the cart before the horse. Doing things out of order or prematurely.
242. Quality time. Dedicated and focused time spent on a specific task or with someone.
243. Quarterback. To lead or coordinate a project or initiative.
244. Quick and dirty. A hasty or makeshift solution or method, not thorough but expedient.
245. Quick fix. A temporary or expedient solution to a problem.
246. Quick wins. Small, achievable victories that can be attained rapidly.
247. Quid pro quo. An exchange of something for something else; a favor for a favor.
248. Ramp up. To increase or intensify.
249. Ramping down. Decreasing activity or scaling back operations.
250. Ramp-up period. The time it takes to increase productivity or activity.
251. Reboot. To start afresh or restart a project or initiative.
252. Red flag. A warning sign or indicator of potential problems.
253. Red tape. Bureaucratic procedures or excessive regulations that slow progress.
254. Reinvent the wheel. Recreating something that already exists, often unnecessarily.
255. Ride shotgun. To accompany or assist someone in a supportive role.
256. Riding shotgun. Being in a prominent or supportive position.
257. Robust solution. A strong, durable, or comprehensive answer to a problem.
258. Rock the boat. To cause disruption or trouble by challenging the status quo.
259. Roll with the punches. To adapt or cope with difficult situations.
260. Rope someone in. To persuade or involve someone in an activity or project.
261. Round the clock. Continuously or without stopping; 24/7.
262. Rubber stamp. To approve or authorize something without careful consideration.
263. Run it by me. Explain or present something for approval or feedback.
264. Run it up the flagpole. Testing the popularity of a new idea or proposal.
265. Run the numbers. Performing numerical calculations -- often used in accounting and other financial departments.
266. Run with it. To take responsibility or move forward with an idea or task.
267. Run with the ball. To take responsibility for a project or initiative.
268. Seamless integration. Smooth and efficient merging or incorporation of elements.
269. Set the stage. To create the conditions or environment for something to happen.
270. Shake things up. To disrupt or change the current situation or routine.
271. Sidebar. An unplanned discussion -- often off-topic -- during a meeting.
272. Silver bullet. A simple and effective solution to a complex problem.
273. Silver lining. A positive aspect or opportunity within a challenging situation.
274. Skeletons in the closet. Hidden or embarrassing secrets or issues.
275. Slam dunk. A surefire success; an outcome that is guaranteed.
276. Slice and dice. To analyze or break down information into smaller parts for examination.
277. Slide deck. A slideshow presentation -- usually refers to a PowerPoint presentation.
278. Smoke and mirrors. Something deceptive or misleading.
279. Snake oil. A product or solution with dubious or exaggerated claims of effectiveness.
280. Snowball effect. A situation where something grows or escalates rapidly.
281. Square the circle. Attempting to reconcile incompatible elements or situations.
282. Stand-up. A brief daily meeting to discuss goals and plans for the day.
283. Stay the course. To continue on the current path without deviation.
284. Step up to the plate. To take on responsibility or face a challenge.
285. Streamline. To optimize or make more efficient.
286. Sweat equity. Contribution of effort or work instead of money.
287. Sweat the details. To pay close attention to small or intricate aspects.
288. Swim upstream. To go against the flow or challenge the status quo.
289. Swing for the fences. To aim for a big or ambitious goal.
290. Synergize. To work together for a combined effect.
291. Synergy. The interaction or cooperation of two or more elements producing a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.
292. Take it offline. Discuss something privately or at another time.
293. Take the bull by the horns. To tackle a difficult situation directly.
294. Take the pulse. Assess or gauge the current situation or mood.
295. Think outside the box. Pondering or brainstorming unusual and off-the-beaten-path ideas.
296. Throw a wrench in the works. To create a problem or obstacle that disrupts progress.
297. Throw it against the wall and see what sticks. Trying different approaches to find what works.
298. Throw under the bus. Blaming someone else to avoid negative consequences or gain an advantage.
299. Throwing in the towel. Giving up or admitting defeat.
300. Throwing spaghetti at the wall. Trying various approaches to see what works.
301. Throwing under the bus. Blaming or sacrificing someone else to save oneself.
302. Tie up loose ends. To resolve or complete unfinished tasks or details.
303. Time is of the essence. Urgency is important; timing is critical.
304. Time to market. The period it takes to develop and launch a product or service.
305. Tip of the iceberg. A small, visible part of a much larger issue or problem.
306. Tip the scales. To have a decisive or significant impact on a situation or decision.
307. Top-down. A management approach where business leaders make companywide decisions that then filter down to the employees.
308. Touch base. Talking to someone quickly for an update on something.
309. Touchpoint. An interaction between a business and its customers.
310. Touchpoints. Points of interaction or contact within a process or customer journey.
311. Trim the fat. When a business reduces unnecessary expenditures to save money.
312. Under the radar. Without attracting attention; unnoticed.
313. Under the table. Illegally or secretly; without proper disclosure or authorization.
314. Up in arms. Angry or agitated about something.
315. Up in the air. Uncertain or undecided; lacking resolution.
316. Value proposition. Benefits or advantages offered by a product or service.
317. Value-add. Additional benefits or features that enhance the worth of something.
318. Vertical integration. The combination or control of multiple stages in a supply chain or production process.
319. Viable option. A feasible or workable choice or solution.
320. Viral marketing. Spreading a message or product rapidly through word of mouth or online sharing.
321. Visionary. Someone with innovative or forward-thinking ideas.
322. Voluntold. A play on volunteer and told, being told to volunteer.
323. Walk the plank. To be forced into a dangerous or risky situation.
324. Walk the talk. To match actions with words or promises.
325. Warm up the crowd. To engage or prepare an audience before a presentation or event.
326. Watercooler. A type of conversation where employees take a break to socialize with one another.
327. Wheel and deal. To negotiate or engage in business activities, especially skillfully.
328. Wheelhouse. Area of expertise.
329. Whip into shape. To improve or organize something quickly and effectively.
330. Whiteboarding. The process of brainstorming using a physical or virtual whiteboard.
331. White-knuckle. Intense or nerve-wracking situations causing anxiety or tension.
332. Win hearts and minds. To gain support or approval through persuasion or emotional appeal.
333. Winning streak. A series of successes or victories.
334. Win-win situation. A scenario where all parties benefit.
335. With a grain of salt. Taking information with caution or skepticism; not taking it entirely seriously.
336. Xerox. To copy or reproduce documents; also used as a synonym for copying in general.
337. X-factor. A unique or unpredictable element that makes something special.
338. Yellow flag. Cautionary or warning sign indicating potential issues.
339. Yield results. To produce or generate outcomes or benefits.
340. Yield to maturity. The total return anticipated on a bond if held until it matures.
341. You're crushing it. Doing something extremely well and/or exceeding goals.
342. Zero in on. To focus closely on a specific issue or target.
343. Zero-sum game. A situation where one person's gain is equivalent to another's loss.
344. Zip it. A directive to stop talking or remain silent.
345. Zoom in/Zoom out. To focus closely on details or take a broader view respectively.

These phrases are commonly used in professional settings and can have different interpretations based on context and usage.